Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mea Culpa, Hillster (And A Pardon For Eric Holder)

It is time to put aside all of the old grudges. The Senate must confirm The Hillster to take her place in "The Uncertain Tradition" (coined by Norman Graebner as the title for his excellent collection of biographical essays on several Secretaries of State). The Hillster is an intelligent public servant who will rise to the challenge in the Foggy Bottom. In the same spirit, the Senate must confirm Eric Holder as Attorney General. The pardon of Marc Rich was over and done in 2001 when Eric Holder was the key Justice Department attorney who offered a lukewarm opinion on the Rich pardon to then-President Slickster. Eric Holder is a capable Justice Department veteran who made one questionable call in an otherwise exemplary career in the Clintonian Department of Justice. The time has come to forget the old politics and embrace change. Yes, we can! If this is (fair & balanced) amnesty, so be it.

[x Salon]
Get Over It, Clinton Haters
By Joe Conason

For a broad array of editorialists, pundits and kibitzers, as well as anybody else still obsessed with old resentments against the Clintons, the weeks since Election Day have inflicted a profound sensation of cognitive dissonance, as Barack Obama kept naming the friends and allies of his former rival to run his transition and his government. Now with reports that Hillary Rodham Clinton will indeed be appointed secretary of state, those feelings may even induce a stroke here or there.

Wasn't Obama the One who would exorcise the Clintonite demons from our midst and cleanse the capital of their sins?

Whatever the merits of any of the president-elect's particular personnel choices, he has hardly betrayed the faith of his supporters -- and in fact has displayed the very character and maturity that they always attributed to him. To say the least, he has showed that he cannot be swayed from exercising his own judgment by the petty backbiting of Washington at its worst.

During the process that led up to this moment, Obama no doubt understood that he would be courting disappointment or worse among those whose measure of him depended on his supposed distance from the Clintons. Having encouraged those assumptions as a matter of political necessity, he must have realized within days of his election that if he made selections based on merit, he would inevitably recruit many of the best and brightest of the last Democratic administration.

In the appointment of Hillary Clinton, he has proved as well that he is a supple thinker, capable of changing his views according to experience. To elevate the junior senator from New York into his Cabinet, Obama had to set aside the criticisms of her that he and his surrogates had voiced during the campaign.

If her experience in national security and foreign policy were as shallow as advertised back then, after all, on what basis could he offer her the position of top diplomat? If her judgment were as poor as charged by him and others over the past two years, then why would he place such heavy responsibilities on her shoulders? If her honesty were as questionable as his campaign sometimes claimed, then how can he trust her now?

The answer is not necessarily that his campaign rhetoric was false or insincere, but that he developed respect for her over the difficult months of that harsh contest — and came to believe that she would be as formidable at his side as she was in his face.

The same contrast between then and now applies to Clinton as well, of course. To be willing to sacrifice her Senate seat — and an apparent offer to join the Democratic leadership — she must have come to a very different view of Obama's potential than the skepticism expressed by her and her supporters in the heat of the primary. In accepting this appointment, she will fully endorse his fitness to lead and the soundness of his worldview, without reservation. That acknowledgment goes far beyond the speeches of the general election campaign, which she delivered over and over on his behalf.

Whether Obama's appointments make sense can only be judged when those he has chosen have an opportunity to perform — a caveat that applies to Clinton along with all the others, from Rahm Emanuel as White House chief of staff to Eric Holder as attorney general. But it should now be clear that the president-elect does not share the jaundiced view of the Clinton administration — or the Clintons — held so insistently by some of his own supporters.

For one thing, it should be plain that the exhaustive "vetting" process brought to bear on Bill and Hillary Clinton, and especially on his foundation and his business dealings, must have revealed nothing of grave concern to the Obama transition officials assigned to examine him. If it is true, as reported, that he will no longer accept certain speaking engagements that might pose an appearance of conflict with his wife's position, that would be appropriate. It is equally likely, however, that the good work of his foundation will continue, since the Obama administration could scarcely wish to deprive a million or more impoverished people of the medicine and care that the former president has brought to them.

It will be interesting to see whether those who have raised the darkest suspicions about the former president will accept the benign assessment conferred on him by Obama.

Then again, perhaps this momentous transition will offer a chance to reopen the discussion of various canards about the Clinton years. Insinuations abound, as always, in such matters as the Holder nomination and his role in the pardon of Marc Rich, to take one example. But has anybody noticed that almost eight years later, the infamous financier has yet to set foot in the United States — or to ask why? When Holder's name comes up for confirmation in the Senate, will anyone examine the real reasons that Clinton gave clemency to Rich — and who asked him to do so? We shall see.

Meanwhile, the president-elect in his wisdom has repudiated the Clinton-bashing mythology of the '90s. Perhaps that is what he meant when he promised to say goodbye to all the partisan poison of the past.

[Joe Conason writes a weekly column for Salon and the New York Observer. Conason received a B.A. in History from Brandeis University in 1975. He then worked at two Boston-based newspapers, East Boston Community News and The Real Paper. From 1978 to 1990, he worked as a columnist and staff writer at The Village Voice. From 1990 to 1992, Conason was "editor-at-large" for Details magazine. In 1992, he became a columnist for the New York Observer, a position he still holds. Conason has written a number of books, including Big Lies (2003), which addresses what he says are myths spread about liberals by conservatives. His new book is It Can Happen Here: Authoritarian Peril in the Age of Bush.]

Copyright © 2008 Salon Media Group, Inc.

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A 2-Gun Farewell Salute To The Dubster

This blog has given The Dubster more whacks than a rental piƱata. ¡Basta ya! This farewell to The Dubster is inspired by a pair of essays that contemplate different aspects of the transition out of the White House on January 20, 2009. Goodbye Dubster, we hardly knew ye (and we're rotten glad of that). If this is (fair & balanced) good riddance, so be it.

[Vannevar Bush Hyperlink — Bracketed Numbers — Directory]
[1] The Faux Redneck: The Naming Dilemma
[2] The Pitts: Sympathy For The Dubster? Not!

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[x Austin Fishwrap]
Want To Name Something After Bush? How 'Bout My Plummeting 401(k)?
By John Kelso

A story in the newspaper the other day about how President George W. Bush won't have doodley named after him reminded me of the yarn about the guy who goes up and knocks on the White House door in 2009.

"Is George W. Bush here?" the guy asks. "George W. Bush is no longer here," the man who answers the White House door says. "Thanks," the guy says, turning on his heels and leaving.

The next day, same thing. The same guy knocks and the same guy answers.

"Is George W. Bush here?" the knocker asks. "Look," says the doorman. "I told you yesterday that George W. Bush is no longer here. Don't you understand?"

"Oh yeah, I understand," the guy says. "I just like hearing it."

So is it any wonder that the smart money says George W. Bush won't get major buildings or much of anything else named after him? Hoover got the vacuum cleaner. Grant's got the lock on the tomb thing. I think it's Kinky Friedman who jokes about "taking a Nixon." Even Stalin and Lenin got stuff named after them, though not around these parts.

George W. Bush may not be so lucky. When a proposal to name a sewage plant after Bush got on the ballot in California , voters even turned that down. You know you're not running real popular when you can't get your name on a poop processor.

I think Austin should step in here and lead the charge to get something named after Bush. Oh, there are institutions we could rename that aren't necessarily local, like the George W. Bush Guantanamo Bay House of Corrections . Or, instead of Wall Street, how 'bout Bush Boulevard? Don't drive there though because there's a crash every day.

But I think we need to name something around these parts after the man — although I don't think he deserves his name on a school, a jogging trail, a creek, a baggage carousel out at the airport or even a toll road rest stop.

That's why I'm proposing to name my 401(k) after him.

Why? Consider the similarities between Bush and my 401(k). They're both leaving. Just thinking about both of them keeps me awake at night. And they're both hard to look at without screaming.

It's not that I hold Bush personally responsible for the disappearance of my retirement stash. But it might have been better for Americans if he'd paid attention to business. You know a guy who didn't notice when gas went up to $4 a gallon ain't exactly minding the store.

So from now on, I'm no longer going to check on my 401(k). Instead, I'm going to check my George W. Bush Memorial 401(k). As long as there's something left to check.

I'll order the plaque.

[Downeaster (Maine-native) John Kelso has worked for the Austin (Texas) American-Statesman as a humor columnist since 1977. Before coming to Austin, Kelso worked at several newspapers: The Manchester (N.H.) Union-Leader; The Boonville (Mo.) Daily News; The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post, and the Racine (Wis.) Journal Times. Kelso has been a general assignment reporter, a copy editor, a sports editor, and an outdoor writer. As a pretend-redneck, Kelso is all gimme cap and no double-wide. His redneck-shtik appears thrice weekly: Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays in the Austin Fishwrap.]

Copyright © 2008 The Austin American-Statesman
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[x Miami Fishwrap]
"Novel Take" On Tenure Of President Bush
By Leonard Pitts Jr.

We should be ashamed of how poorly we have treated President George W. Bush.
That, believe it or not, is the thesis of a bizarre opinion published the day after the election in The Wall Street Journal by one Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, described as an investigative reporter, a lawyer and a former intern for, of all people, John Kerry. It's one of two rather eye-opening Journal pieces, actually; the second, following just days later, was by a former presidential aide named Jim Towey. Under the headline Why I'll Miss President Bush, he sang hosannas to the decency and compassion of W., even going so far as to invoke Mother Teresa.

Which is, shall we say, a rather novel take. But it is Shapiro's piece that will give you whiplash. In his view, Bush has struggled manfully in the service of an ungrateful nation, reached out in a spirit of true bipartisanship and received for his efforts nothing but "crushing resistance" and constant scorn.

Shapiro writes: "The treatment President Bush has received from this country is nothing less than a disgrace. The attacks launched against him have been cruel and slanderous, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have. The president is not to blame for all these problems. He never lost faith in America or her people, and has tried his hardest to continue leading our nation during a very difficult time."

And reading that, you wonder... well, you wonder a few things.

First, you wonder how old Shapiro is. Because he sounds very young. I'm talking smudge-of-acne-cream-on-the-cheek, fake-ID-at-the-club young. Which, presumably, he is not, given his pedigree.

Then you wonder — fear, might be the better word — if this is but the vanguard of a new wave of revisionism, a preemptive strike against history, if you will, to impose a sunnier, more forgiving view on the last eight years than the facts will support. If so, we should gird for a very long rest of our lives.

Finally, you wonder, wearily, if it is really necessary to tally yet again the sins of this president. If Bush's approval ratings sink any lower, they will emerge in China. That's not accidental. And when his reign of error ends on Jan. 20, it will come eight years too late and not a millisecond too soon.

For my money, of all the things he has done that have damaged this nation — we're talking lies and alibis, torture, the loss of American prestige, watching passively as New Orleans drowned, censoring science, politicizing the Justice Department, a ruinous war of choice in Iraq, spending with all the discipline of an 8-year-old in a candy store — arguably the most damaging legacy this president leaves is that he has undermined truth itself. After eight years of Bush/Rove politics, we live now in a nation where fact doesn't mean a whole lot, where it is OK to believe the "truth" that serves your political ends and jettison any that does not.

Because these days, truth comes in two flavors. We have red truth and blue truth, but we are fresh out of the truth, the facts, unimpeachable and inarguable. Instead, Bush has overseen a government of legendary intellectual incoherence, where ideology is valued above competence, accountability is valued not at all and one is daily dared to believe the evidence of one's lying eyes. Bush seems to agree with Stephen Colbert: Reality has a liberal bias.

Now, we are offered one last single-digit salute to our collective intelligence in the form of this grotesque suggestion that we should be ashamed of how we have treated Bush. If anyone should feel shame, it is Bush and the cadre of sycophants that has enabled him for eight long years.

Of course, as young Mr. Shapiro so vividly reminds us, they don't know the meaning of the word.

[Leonard Pitts Jr. won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 2004. He is the author of Becoming Dad: Black Men and the Journey to Fatherhood. His column runs every Sunday and Wednesday in the Miami Fishwrap. Pitts graduated from the University of Southern California with a BA, summa cum laude, in English.]

Copyright © 2008 Miami Herald Media Company

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