Saturday, November 07, 2020

During The Days Of October-November 2020, We Have Been Living (And Voting) In A -Democracy- DEMOCRAZY

Fasten your seatbelts, the 2020 election that ends in a tie of electoral votes could result in a contingent election in the US House of Representatives, where each state has one (1) vote, no matter the size of its House delegation, under each delegation's agreements that weight the votes of each member of the delegation. For example, Texas — with 36 member will see each representative casting a vote that counts as 0.0277777777777778 (times 36) and so on for the other 49 delegations. Bizarre, thy name is the United States of America. If this is a (fair & balanced) demonstration of Winston Churchill's dictum on the actions taken by the United States — "Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else...," so be it.

[x YouTube]
"The Liar Tweets Tonight" (Parody of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight")
By Roy Zimmerman and The ReZisters, featuring Sandy Riccardi

[x NY Fishwrap]
American Democracy Survives Its Brush With Death
By Eags (Timothy Egan)

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The closest I ever came to death was when a ferocious undertow grabbed hold of my wife and me, carrying us out into the raging surf off Puerto Escondido, Mexico. We gagged, flailed and turned purple as we wrestled to stay afloat. Saved by a sandbar, I never looked at life the same way again.

So we find ourselves today, still holding our breath, looking back at the bloodied mess of our tattered democracy. As exhilarating as it is to cheat death, we are diminished and badly shaken by what happened this week.

Those of us in the business of crafting narrative from chaos are hard-pressed to say anything positive about the last few days. I nearly lost my faith in humanity, and certainly lost my faith in the polling industrial complex. I’m perplexed and humbled.

“Stop the count.” Of all the violations of things that we hold precious in this country, this tweet by President Trump on Thursday, demanding that millions of voters be disenfranchised so he can steal an election, is the one that will live in infamy.

But let’s find some light in the darkness. Mr. Trump’s electoral ambulance chasing, the inchoate chants of supporters to simultaneously stop the count and count the vote (depending on the state) will change nothing.

Joe Biden is winning the popular vote by close to a three-point margin. That’s no small thing. John F. Kennedy won by less than one percentage point. Ronald Reagan rode into the White House in 1980 with just over 50 percent of the total vote. Bill Clinton became president with 43 percent of the vote in a race with three major candidates.

A President-Elect Biden would mean the first African-American vice president in Kamala Harris. The first woman veep, as well. History, noted.

It would mean the United States could again join the community of nations committed to saving this gasping, burning, overwhelmed planet. Public lands would remain in public hands.

It would mean that the pipeline of partisan, retrograde federal judges would be shut off, for now. Ditto the Supreme Court, should Mr. Biden get a pick.

It would mean science and truth would be guiding principles at the highest level of government — this coming just as we enter a long dark season of COVID-19 deaths because science and truth were ignored.

It would mean that the executive office would no longer be actively fighting to take away health care from millions of Americans. Think about a springtime that could bring a Coronavirus vaccine, a revived economy and a restoration of decency and civility.

Looking at the bigger picture, Democrats were done in by extreme voices that Mr. Trump was able to link to their party. Defunding the police will never be popular outside a few lefty precincts. The whiff of socialism helped kill Democrats in Florida.

In California, voters rejected ballot measures that would have delivered a return of affirmative action and a bill to expand rent control. The result was a wake-up call for the overly woke.

In battered Portland, OR, where violent clashes between protesters and law enforcement have brought terror to the streets, a candidate who embraced Antifa lost to the more moderate mayor, Ted Wheeler.

The violent fringe on the left helped Mr. Trump. The violent fringe on the right, sadly, did not appear to hurt him. In the closing days of this campaign, the president appeared to lend his support to a truck brigade that had tried to run a Biden bus off the road in Texas. He suggested locking up his political opponents and reveled in crowds chanting to fire the nation’s foremost infectious disease expert.

But let’s look to better days ahead, and begin repairing our broken democracy. A presidential candidate could win the popular vote by nearly five million votes, but depending on where those votes are cast, he or she could still lose in the archaic Electoral College, the fortress for the tyranny of the minority. Only once in the last 30 years have Republicans won the popular vote.

There is still a possibility that this election could end up in an Electoral College tie of 269 to 269. If that happens, the next president would be determined by the new House of Representatives, with each state casting one vote.

Thus, California, where nearly one in eight Americans live, with 53 members in the House, would have the same power as Wyoming, a state with a lone representative in the House and a declining population.

The obvious flaw here — that the person who gets the most votes does not necessarily win — could be neutralized by the National Popular Vote Compact, in which all of a participating state’s electoral votes are pledged to the winner of the national popular vote.

On Tuesday, Colorado voters approved joining the compact, which now has 15 states plus the District of Columbia, representing 196 electoral votes. More states are needed to push it past the 270-vote margin where it could go into effect. But for now, it’s the best vehicle for bringing the American system closer to one that reflects the will of the people.

Ah, the will of people. Who knows what the hell that is. Yes, it’s karmic justice that three of the states pivotal in electing Mr. Trump — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan — now look like three that will fire him. And for that slim majority, and the rest of us, may mourning in America soon turn to morning in America. ###

[Timothy Egan is a contributing opinion writer who covers the environment, the American West, and politics at the NY Fishwrap. Egan — winner of both a Pulitzer Prize in 2001 as a member of a team of reporters who wrote the series "How Race Is Lived in America" and a National Book Award (The Worst Hard Time in 2006) — graduated from the University of Washington with a BA ( journalism), and was awarded a doctorate of humane letters (honoris causa) by Whitman College (WA) in 2000 for his environmental writings. Egan's most recent book is A Pilgrimage to Eternity (2019). See all other books by Eags here.]

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