Sunday, December 02, 2007

Uncultured "Pearls" Double Feature

"Pearls Before Swine" is the comic strip for our time. In yesterday's strip, Andy—the watchdog chained to a stake in a neighboring yard—missed his cruise to Trinidad despite walking all day and all night. Andy's response to Pig's compassion demonstrates that Rat gave more to Andy than a new hat for the trip; Andy has a 'tude. Then, today's strip has Pig and Rat in a tree lot shopping for an Xmas tree. Pig rises to the occasion as Rat's "wingman." If this is (fair & balanced) fatuity, so be it.

[x Pearls Before Swine]

12/01/07 — Click on image to enlarge.

12/02/07 — Click on image to enlarge.

[Stephan Pastis is a lawyer-turned-cartoonist. It is no small coincidence that Rat is the sole character in the comic strip who doubles as an attorney on occasion.]

Copyright © 2007 Stephan Psstis

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