Saturday, April 20, 2019

Now We Have A Confederacy Of Dingbat-Liars In The White House

It cannot be disupted that the most common malady in the current White House is Pseudologia Fantastica (Pathological Lying) The entire current Executive Branch is rife with demented men and women who speak untruth as the lingua franca of this administration. From the Oval Office to the West Wing, falsehoods are uttered as factual speech 24/7. The Big Lie has devolved into Continuous Lying. If this is a (fair & balanced) description of a mass pathology at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, DC, so be it.

[s The New Yorker]
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Accuses Media Of Anti-Liar Bias
By Andrew (Andy) Borowitz

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Reacting to the journalist April Ryan’s call for her to be fired, the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said, on Friday, that she has been the victim of the media’s “widespread anti-liar bias.”

“From their obsession with fact-checking to their relentless attacks on falsehoods, the media have made no secret of their bias,” Sanders said. “It’s open season on liars in America.”

“This is media hypocrisy at its very worst,” she added. “The same journalists who advocate freedom of speech want to take that freedom away from anyone whose speech consists entirely of lies.”

“This is nothing more or less than a direct attack on the lying life style,” she said. “You take away my right to lie and you take away my ability to earn a living.”

Kellyanne Conway, the White House senior counsellor, spoke out in support of Sanders, telling reporters, “An attack on one liar is an attack on all liars.”

“Our country has seen some dark days, from the Bowling Green Massacre to the bugging of the White House microwave,” she said. “But this might be the darkest.” ###

[Andrew (Andy) Borowitz is the creator the Borowitz Report, a Web site that is a lot funnier than the stuff posted by Matt Drudge and his ilk. Borowitz is a comedian and writer whose work appears regularly in The New Yorker. He is the first winner of the National Press Club's humor award and has won seven Dot-Comedy Awards for his web site. His most recent book (and Amazon's Best Kindle Single of the Year) is An Unexpected Twist (2012). Borowitz received a BA, magna cum laude (English) from Harvard University (MA).]

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