Monday, May 26, 2008

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The "No Stupidity Allowed" hit-list for Rat is growing with each passing hour. At the head of the line? This blogger who — like the lonely tree that falling in the unpopulated forest — rants and raves in the blogosphere when there is no one there to hear the babbling. Close behind in the stupidity-queue would be The Hillster and her repeated reminders about an assassination in California in June '68. Folliwng her in line would be The Geezer with his unending self-disclosure of ignorance (about economics, lobbyists, and the difference between Sunni and Shia, for starters). Of course, no vertical array of the stupid would be complete without The Dubster. Poor Rat would wear out his "No Stupiding" sign in wacking The Dubster for all of the stupid things that fool has said in his lifetime. The Dubster isn't first in line because (When, O When, O Lord?) he's on his way out. If this is a (fair & balanced) attack on hebitudinousness, so be it.

[x Pearls Before Swine]

Click on image to enlarge.

[Attorney-cum-cartoonist Stephan Pastis sketches "Pearls Before Swine," which features the arrogant, self-centered, and totally hilarious Rat, who leads his four-legged friends through misadventure after misadventure. Joining him for the journey are Pig, the slow but good-hearted conscience of the strip; Goat, the voice of reason that often goes unheard; and Zebra and the eternally inept Crocodiles who pursue him. Together this mindful menagerie mocks the flaws and shortcomings of human nature through Pastis's cynically biting wit.]

Copyright © 2008 Stephan Pastis

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