Along with today's 'toon in his e-mail, Tom/Dan also wrote:
Hey all..., posting this from a hotel room in Columbus, Ohio, where I'm taking part in the Columbus Crossroads Comics festival ... which meant that I had to finish a cartoon early during one of the most hectic, full-of-breaking-news weeks any of us have seen in awhile. Hopefully this one still captures something about the moment. Originally it was called 'THE TRUMP SCANDAL CYCLE', but I was sitting at JFK (waiting out a three hour flight delay) on the way here, and the current title occurred to me and was so obvious I could have literally slapped myself on the forehead. So I pulled out my laptop and made the necessary edit. Working from the road is a pain, but at least it's possible. I'll have more next week!
In his 'toon, Tom/Dan included a subtitle for today's 'toon "Results may vary." That is putting our reality in uncertain terms when there is only one certainty: as long as the LK (Lyin' King) remians in the White House, we will be subjected to a continuous $hitshow. The French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, wrote "Huis Clos" ("No Exit") which is a depiction of the afterlife in which three deceased characters are punished by being locked into a room together for eternity. Sartre also wrote "L'enfer, c'est les autres" ("Hell is other people") without ever having met or known The LK (Lyin' King) in Sartre's lifetime (1905-1980). If this is a (fair & balanced) description of our hellish national life, so be it.
[x TMW]
The tRump Spin Cycle
By Tom Tomorrow (Dan Perkins)
Copyright © 2019 This Modern World/Tom Tomorrow (Dan Perkins)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License..
Copyright © 2019 Sapper's (Fair & Balanced) Rants & Raves